Alaska Float Ratings Oral Exam Study Questions

These study questions have been written to assist and enable you to gain the maximum benefit from your learning experience of getting your float rating.

There is an old saying:

“The more you put into something, the more you will get out of it.”

As study questions, they were designed to give you an example of the type of questions for which you will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of during the oral examination and during your check ride. The questions during your exam and check ride will be taken from, but not limited to, these aspects of float flying.

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AFR Oral Exam Study Questions PDF

Instructions for Completing These Study Questions:

Please read, become familiar with, and think about the ACS standards as you answer these questions. Read each question carefully.  These questions and your answers are for your learning benefit. This is not a test! These are study questions.

It is more important that you learn from the question than guessing the correct answer. As you read and study the reference material, you will be learning more than just the answer to the question.

You must complete and return these questions prior to your check ride. During the oral portion of your check ride, you will be expected to not only answer correctly from these questions, but all areas as required by the ACS. Recognize that until you actually experience the sight, sounds, and feelings of what it is like to be on the water and flying a float plane, it will not be possible to thoroughly and completely comprehend what you are reading until you’re here. A lot of the information you need to fully understand and answer these questions will be learned during your float plane training.

If you are writing the answers prior to starting your training, only answer those questions that can be easily answered from your self-study. You will learn the rest of the answers during your flight training.

Suggested References

  • The FAA’s Seaplane Operations Handbook (FAA-H-8083-23)
  • Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
  • Alaska Float Ratings Handouts
  • PA-18 Owner’s Manual

FAA-H-8083-23 Seaplane Flying Handbook

Download Here

The Airman Certification Standards

Private Pilot ACS: Download here

Commercial Pilot ACS: Download here

Alaska Float Ratings Handouts

View here

PA-18 Owner’s Manual

Download here